Mr. Baby Birthday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mr. Henry is 2

Red Velvet cake & Cream Cheese frosting
Gold & Glittered Circus animals
Bunting & lots of fun!

{I kept seeing gold painted animals on Pinterest, and I decided I would do a version for Henry's little Circus birthday}

Here's how I did it:

1. Bought animals from WalMart. $.99 each (in toy section)
2. Spray-painted some of them with gold spray paint
3. Hand-painted the Elephants feet and tusks with a little brush and gold paint
4. Painted a little Mod-Podge to accent with gold glitter on their tails, ears and tusks (glitter & mod-podge from Walmart)
5. Let dry....Whaalaa. so, so simple.

Henry still loves to play with these animals even though they are golden, and I set the elephants up on a shelf because I love to look at them kissing.

Note: Circus Tablecloth I bought from Restoration Hardware about 12 years ago.



Friday, February 15, 2013

You know when you finally get something.  When you finally understand and embrace all the obvious clues and dots that have been swarming around you your whole life.  That moment when it all clicks and you recognize that your life is a sequence of events that are uniquely your own.  Well, I think I'm starting to get it...

What is it your life is trying to tell you?
Who is it you are supposed to be?

Take an honest inventory on your life and the people you have in it.  If you are moving in the right direction, congratulate yourself.  If there are holes that are draining your strength, patch them quickly and start moving forward.

Jumping off

Friday, February 1, 2013

This is the beginning of something that has been nagging me and nagging me.  I've wanted to do it, and then not wanted to do it a thousand times.  But, today this sums the whole thing up....

I hope you will join me in the journey and discovery.  Its taking everything I have....and then some.

What aspects of your life have great and strong purpose?
