The Stack

Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm pretty partial to my bracelet stack.
Your wrist is the perfect place to jazz up any outfit.  I love layers and textures and metals all mixed together...especially mixing different scaled pieces together.  Its so fun.  It's like interior decorating, but on a mini scale--and then you get to wear it all day to remind yourself how amazingly clever, creative and awesome you are....because you are.

Now, just one note on how to do it right {or maybe a few...}
1.  Mixing the scale of your bracelets is really important to make your stack look artistic and not predictable.
2.  Too much of a good thing, well, is just too much sometimes.
3.  When wearing a good stack, take it easy on other jewelry pieces.  My rule of thumb is bracelets and statement earrings are perfect compliments--or just keep it simple and wear a good stack, like these....

arm candy

// more is more

Gold J.Crew link bracelet.

quite the arm party.

Nautical stack with Regatta & Spade bangles, Nimes cable cuff, white Derby bracelet & Nantucket charm bracelet

Wear all your bracelets at the same time.

Annie M. monogram bracelet
Annie M. Monogram Bracelet

images via pinterest

Modern Miracles: That's not a mission...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dear Sister Wilson, you are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  You are assigned to labor in the Hawaii, Honolulu Mission with a special assignment to serve in the Hawaii Temple Visitor's Center...


Laie Hawaii Temple

"That's not a mission, that's a vacation..."
I can't even count how many people have said this to me over the years.  Secretly, I am quite partial to the sunshine, palm trees, ocean air and eating.  So, in many ways it did have elements reminiscent of a sweet vacation.  I guess the real difference was that if I would have treated my mission experience like a vacation, it would not have had such an incredible impact on my life.

You know how everyone has their "story" of where they thought they would go.  Well, I have one of those.  I thought I would go to a romantic city in Europe because I thought that would be the coolest place on earth to live and serve.  I love architecture and pastries and fashion....seemed pretty simple.  I mean, the Lord already knew all those things about me, right?

Well, then I got my call and was totally surprised to find I would be going on a "vacation" mission, as many of my friends reminded me.  Of course I was super excited to serve in Hawaii {duh}, though I had no idea why I was called there, or what was in-store for me.

In short, I found out that I served a vacation mission for a few specific and special reasons just for me.  First, my Heavenly Father knew I needed to be in the sunshine.  He knew I needed my Vitamin D in order to function at my best.  He knew I needed to learn Aloha.  I needed to feel and experience the compassion, generosity and love of the islanders.  He knew there were a few people that I would be able to connect with in a powerful and important way.  Those experiences would teach me repentance, forgiveness and the sweet love of the Savior.

The single decision to serve a mission literally changed the trajectory of my life.  My vacation mission changed me.  I treasure the testimony I gained in Hawaii.  I learned the importance of teaching the gospel to my children one day.  I gained important spiritual growth and a real love of the scriptures.   I learned how to lean into my fears and trust in the Lord, even when it's scary and hard.  I especially learned the importance of finding a husband who loves the Lord...

Goodness....I could go on and on....basically, I will forever be grateful for the experiences and growth I gained in Hawaii.  The Lord actually knew me much better than I knew myself.  He knew I needed more than architecture, pastries, fashion and romantic cities-- he knew I needed sunshine, a testimony, aloha and flip flops....and I'll take it.


What do I need to do?

Friday, July 26, 2013

be extrordinary

Ever in situations and ask yourself, What do I need to do here?

I don't usually, but I did last week.  I spent sometime with family recently.  The whole situation came up really suddenly.  I hadn't spent a lot of time considering what my role was, other than my obvious willingness to help.

As time went by, I started to ask my Heavenly Father, "Why am I really here?  What is it you need me to do?  Please help me to do that, what ever that may be....".  The answer came.  I knew why I was there.  I knew what I needed to share...not words from me, but words that needed to be shared from my Heavenly Father.  I was an instrument in His hands.  I could feel it.

What a blessing it is to have moments in your life when you realize that you are more than just yourself.  That when you seek for understanding--understanding and direction is always given.  The harder part is doing it, but when you do, it just works--I love that.

So, start asking--and guess what?  Heavenly Father will start telling.


What's your Influence?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I had a few questions for myself the other went like this:

Are you growing, learning and trying to be better in your life?
--Well, yes, I'm trying to.  It's hard though.

Do I have people in my life that I look up to, that inspire me to be better?
Yes, and I love those people.

Am I that person to someone in my life right now?
Umm, probably, though its hard to gauge it.  I mean, I hope that the things I feel inspired to share are meaningful.  And more importantly, that the person I am trying to be is reaching those that need my influence.

It's always interesting to me how influence is felt--sometimes a simple comment from a friend, or hearing someone's story or getting much needed advice.  It's kind of like one eternal round.  We help those that need our help and in turn, they help those that need their help....and on it goes.  I love the part that allows us to influence the people that we are meant to influence.  It's cool.

Reminds me of a time when I was feeling particularly inadequate.  I was teaching a lesson on pride {need I say more?}.  I was struggling with my own pride, not to mention trying to share a meaningful message that wasn't filled with hypocrisy--not easy, actually.  That afternoon, I was at home with my family and the phone rang.  I picked it up and it was a woman who had listened to my lesson.  She simply said, "I just wanted to call and let you know that you are just fine, Adrienne.  Stop being so hard on yourself."

Now, at first I wasn't sure how to take that little comment.  Initially, I was annoyed, thinking, "Well, I know I'm fine--quite fantastic, actually, but I don't need you to tell me that I'm just fine." {not prideful, whatsoever, right?---let's just say, I had a few more things to learn in that department...}

But later {a few years later, actually}, I realized she had delivered a message to me from my Heavenly Father.  She actually was probably annoyed at how many times I mentioned that I was the first to struggle with x, y and z, and yet---and yet, she felt inspired to deliver an important message to someone who needed to hear it.

Heavenly Father is seriously aware of us.  He sends messages to us in the craziest of ways sometimes and when we least expect it.  Sometimes we need those answers right in the moment, and sometimes they gain understanding years later.  He is so patient with us.

The truth is, looking back on those years, I wasn't feeling very fine inside.  I was struggling with maintaining a perfect facade.  I was feeling extremely unhappy with myself.  I was super critical of myself and others, and I was so focused on my outward appearance I could scarcely care about who I really was on the inside---and teaching a lesson about pride was about the most difficult thing I had done in my spiritual life.

He was letting me know through an inspired woman--that I was fine.  I didn't need to be focusing on all my imperfections.  I just needed to recognize that He had a bigger plan for me and my life.

Now, this woman has no idea of her influence in  my life, but I've never forgotten it.  She epitomizes a covenant keeping woman who was sharing her influence...pass it on.


Red, White & Blue

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July.  It's a happy day because we are a free country--and only because we have brave Americans fighting for our freedoms.  I love our country.

And I love to see our colors together, in whatever form they take....hooray for the red, white & blue...

Shingles and architecture.Tibores (aka ginger jars) from Emilia Ceramicsfreeeedom #anniemstriped bow flats // j.crewPortuguese. love the blue and whiteRL. classic americanaclassyAtlantic-Pacific: graphic gingham.
Big Style with Oversized Clutches

Let's see some fireworks & celebrate...


all photos via pinterest