Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The wild journey of Creativity has hills and valleys, twists and turns and is bumpy at times--it really is an *exciting* adventure as we discover our purpose and begin to recognize His hand in our beautiful journey.

So, what are you creating?
Hint:  Its everything you are and everything you do!

Embrace your unique life, seek for opportunities to learn from Him and do everything you can to stay on that path...


Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Our love for God keeps us focused on what He needs us to do--and sometimes we need to leave things behind, not because they are bad or wrong, but because there is something better for us ahead that only He knows.  When we follow even small desires to change or improve we are immediately blessed in big an small ways.

What could you risk to leave behind that just might yield a big return in blessings?

Don't wait.  Just will be glad you did.


Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It. #LYF

Friday, January 17, 2014

Today I begin what I call:

"Lay Your Foundation Friday.  And Love it."

As you know, VERSIE by Annie M has a tagline--Lay Your Foundation. And Love It.--I feel exceptionally passionate about this message.  Not only as VERSIE relates to a perfect foundation piece in your wardrobe, but also as an important message to inspire all women to live by...

Real purpose, drive and passion in life doesn't come from idleness, easy solutions or a "perfect life"--- it comes from defining challenges, difficult choices and deep soul searching to discover your personal purpose and contribution to the world.  Basically, we innately crave progress and when we aren't growing and developing we become depressed and unhappy.

So, think for a moment, are you moving forward in your life or are you at a stand still?


A Christmas Gift I didnt know I needed

Monday, January 13, 2014

One of my favorite gifts this year was from my sweet husband who, "thought I might like to read this...".  I love it when I get gifts that I never realized I needed...until I open them up to see whats inside!

I actually love to learn.  I love to read, and not so much fiction, but I love to learn new things when I read.  So, when I began "Increase in Learning" by David A. Bednar, I was immediately touched by his message.  I recognized immediately that the messages contained in his book were answers to questions I had been praying for, not only a few weeks earlier...

I wanted to share a quick thought from his book that I loved:

"There are things to act and things to be acted upon...endowed with agency we are AGENTS, and we primarily are to act and not simply to be acted upon--especially to obtain and apply spiritual knowledge."

We have, not only the ability, but the responsibility to be agents for ourselves.  We must be proactive in obtaining and applying our spiritual knowledge regularly.  Which means, we have to consciously be seeking out regular opportunities to learn spiritual things, and then decided how we can use them in our lives.  Otherwise we will be acted upon, which means life will happen to us--instead of the other way around!

So, I hope your will find yourself this year taking the initiative to grow and develop yourself in every aspect of your life.  One of my 2014 goals is to ACT, instead of being acted upon....Join Me!


What is VERSIE by Annie M?

Friday, January 10, 2014

What is VERSIE by Annie M?
Well, VERSIE is a slip that will forever change how you dress....I promise.  Quite simply, it is a shirt attached to a slip.  The top is the fashion part which is meant to be shown off.  The bottom half is the function part that serves as a slip.  The best part is that it removes those unwanted "bum lines", extra bulk and smooths your whole body out. Yea!  VERSIE is a patent pending design and it is, well, Amazing...

So, where did the idea for VERSIE come from?
Well, after having my 4th baby, I was on  the edge of a wardrobe freak out.  Do you ever have those?  When you get dressed in the morning and spend the whole day, adjusting your shirt or straightening out your slip over and over again.  So, basically, I was frustrated and fed up.  I decided I needed a basic layering shirt that attached to a slip.   I wanted to be able to put the whole thing on and stop the madness--the adjusting, worrying and frustration.......VERSIE by Annie M was born.

Where did the name VERSIE come from?
VERSIE is simply a derivative of the word "versatile".  I wanted a slip that could work with lots of different dresses and skirts and be something I could put on, be comfortable and  forget about.  The goal was to connect fashion with function.....Finally, a slip that makes sense.

What's been the early response?
Awesome.  But don't take my word for's just a little super exciting feedback I've been getting from women:
"Holy Cow! I love the way this feels!  It is soo smoothing and comfy!"
"Wow!  I could wear this with soo many dresses and skirts of mine!"
"Why hasn't someone come up with this before?? I looove VERSIE!"
"Seriously, this feels soo good on, can I buy your prototype?  I want one now!"  and much more......

What does "Lay Your Foundation. And Love It." mean?
My tag line for VERSIE is--Lay your Foundation.  And Love it.  I really believe in this message, it actually has a double meaning on purpose:

#1  VERSIE is a foundation piece that you will love.  You will love the fabrics, the fit and when you put it on--you will forget that you even have it on.  VERSIE is so comfy and easy to wear, it will make getting dressed a cinch--I promise.  I believe that when you aren't worried about whats going on underneath your clothes, you can be that much more confident--and who doesn't need that in their life!?..a-hem....I do.

#2  Lay a positive foundation for your life.  I love the saying, "when you know better, you do better", and to me this is how I *try* to live my life.   I feel a deep desire to encourage myself and other women in their individual growth and personal development.  More than just looking good on the outside, but feeling good about who you are on the inside.  We all have a different purpose to fulfill in our lives and it's between us and God to figure it out.  It is a journey of so many mixed emotions including: joy, wonder, frustration, humility and peace.  Basically, if we are progressing and growing, we seem to be happier--at least, I know I am.

My goal is to create a company that helps women with their wardrobe dilemmas, but more than that I want to connect and inspire on a deeper level that will create positive change in their lives and that's why I ship "VERSIE Verses" with each order.  I want women to feel inspired in every way I possibly can!

What's it like to work on a project like this?
I am really thrilled to be launching VERSIE.  I truly feel like it has come by way of divine inspiration and sheer determination in so many ways.  I hope to share more of my experiences very soon.  But for now, you must know that creating and developing VERSIE has been quite a journey that continues to unfold.  I hope you will join me in this process.  I want to hear from you, your thoughts, questions and comments...lets work together to make positive changes in our lives and our wardrobes.

Simple improvements to typical problems is like adding honey to simple, and boy is it tasty.
