Monday, December 1, 2014
40% off your entire purchase is some serious savings...
Happy Holidays!
And enjoy a VERSIE for yourself or for someone you love--because we love and appreciate you!
Purchase VERSIE Verses Online!
Friday, August 1, 2014
Ok! You have asked and asked to purchase our special sets of VERSIE Verses cards...and guess what!? Now you can!
VERSIE Verses are a beautiful set of 5 different 4x6 cardstock cards with gold foil lettering. These Verses are perfect gift for that special someone, so beautiful hanging on your mirror or in a framed collage! I believe that when you surround yourself with glamorous positive messages you are inspired to do better every day of your life!
My passion is to inspire all women to be the very best version of themselves on the inside and out!
Join me.
Lay Your Foundation. And Love It.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
I love these faces. And these photos only represent a portion of my week last week. We had a great week of beach, family and serious fun celebrating USA!
And I just have to say these past few weeks have been a bit crazy with several twists and turns I hadn't expected--which, I am aware that quite often, twists and turns are never expected...
So, in spite of it all, I must say that I love what I'm learning right now. I love what my Heavenly Father is teaching me. So often relationships represent a large part of our lives, and more often than not, the happiness or sadness we feel from them always spill over into our day to day.
I've noticed that some of my greatest challenges come from getting out of my own way. And I've found that if I can frequently take inventory of my relationships -- all of them -- deep ones and surface ones -- I've noticed that forgiveness is an extremely powerful tool that I often overlook!
Here's what I've come to learn and now know:
When we are willing to forgive others and forgive ourselves, we can start making progress {of any kind -- personal, spiritual, professional} at a faster rate than we ever imagined! I made it a goal to work on some relationships that needed some working out. I had faith that as I forgave myself and others, I would feel a weight lifted and added strength. I was nervous. I wasn't really sure what to expect. I tried it anyway.
I made a list of people in my life that I blamed for something, resented for some reason or things I regretted.
The list was relatively long, and I knew I needed to spend some time working through each of these.
So often we learn about the Atonement and think, its just so BIG! How can I really relate it to myself? How do I make it mine, when it's often so overwhelming and seemingly incomprehensible. How can the grace of God really relate to me?
I know in small ways we use the Atonement and see its value, but how often do we really make it ours? I can say that through my "relationship inventory" I was able to clear up some feelings that were weighing me down -- even though I never perceived them as "weight" or really even "that big of a deal", I have since come to realize that the negative thoughts, feelings and emotions we carry around every single day, quite literally "weigh" us down. So much so that we become tired, weak and exhausted just doing everyday things, which is a huge deal!
So, I will say it again. The negative thoughts, feelings and emotions we carry around every single day, quite literally "weigh" us down.
Going through this process of releasing negativity is incredibly powerful! I was personally able to gain insight and strength from this process of forgiveness. It is a beautiful gift from our Savior and we have a responsibility to use it.
I have been able to feel peace and freedom -- true freedom that comes from genuinely, and quite literally, letting things go...let it go! let it go! Can't hold it back anymore...
Sorry, I couldn't get what I mean.
But seriously, what I gained from beginning this process {because I havent finished my list yet} has been soo powerful. I have had experiences that I never imagined could happen. I have seen the hand of the Lord in my life in ways that have left me speechless.
I want you all to feel what I am feeling and to understand for yourself what an incredible life each of us can have if we are willing to take a few steps into the darkness and let it go.
Try it! You won't even believe what will start to happen, so buckle up.
It's Confidence Time!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
How many times on your "dress-wearing" or "skirt-wearing" days do you think:
Where is my slip?
And in response, you think:
Is it around my rib cage?
Is it falling down?
Is it showing?
Where is the bathroom so I can adjust it?
Will anyone see me slip behind this parked car adjusting my slip?
Why do I wear this stupid thing anyway!?
I bet many of these are familiar.
But guess what? A VERSIE slip gives you the confidence you need! A VERSIE isn't going put it on and its like a second skin of yumminess!
So, finally rest assured that when you put on a VERSIE, you won't have to worry or think about your slip again! Which frees up so much time to worry about things that really matter like, treats, diapers, seatbelts, groceries and instagram feed...ha!
Tuck In...And Stay In!
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sometimes we battle our clothes all day long.
And maybe it goes something like this...
First, we put on a layering shirt to fill gaps and to provide a sheer barrier -- pretty simple, and pretty much a necessity.
But then, we spend the rest of the day adjusting, tucking, smoothing and adjusting and adjusting some more!
It's exhausting!
And did I mention frustrating?!
Well ladies, problem solved!
A VERSIE slip accomplishes so much -- it fills the gaps, it provides a barrier aaaand it smooths you out! I don't know of anything that accomplishes more in a womens wardrobe than a VERSIE...
A VERSIE to forever change the way you dress!! I promise!
And because we love you, use SHIPVERSIEFREE for free shipping on your orders this week!!
Dont miss out!
Lay Your Foundation. And Love It.
Friday, May 30, 2014
16 years ago I became a mother for the first time.
My heart grew 10 times that day.
I was forever a changed person.
And I had no idea that the amazing challenge of having and raising a baby could bring so much joy...
I believe that becoming a mother is a "refiners fire" for women. We are pushed and stretched in every way possible -- mentally, physically, emotionally, and especially spiritually. Children have a way of forcing us to decide what we really believe and what we really want to contribute to the world.
We have the opportunity as mothers to teach, mold and love these littles into helping them reach their greatest potential, and they rely us on us for strength, guidance and council. They look to us for reassurance and understanding of their complex world. Our reward comes over time as we begin to see that our children have greater faith and strength than we ever imagined! We see them develop their own divine potential inspite of our imperfections as mothers and finding joy in that process is the greatest blessing we can give ourselves!
And I just have to say that my 16 year old daughter is beautiful in every way, she's my friend and she inspires me with her goodness and joy...and I love her like crazy!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, May 23, 2014
I'm going to be really honest.
Its been one of those weeks.
I really don't know why, nothing specific is to blame.
I wish I had a profound understanding, insight or epiphany. I don't.
Maybe you can relate?
Sometimes I feel like I get lost. So many demands and/or expectations from myself that send me over the edge into a negative abyss. I allow myself to drift, saturate and soak in negativity from every aspect possible. I become seriously imbalanced in so many ways.
I don't like it, but its real.
I know it won't last {thank goodness}, and it requires effort to pull myself back on track {which I loathe}, but I feel like when we listen and give all those negative voices a place to influence us, even in small ways, it always leads to a negative place.
Sometimes we're weak.
Sometimes we don't even notice.
Either way, we still end up in that yucky place.
I recently finished a book that had a phase at the end of the book felt like it was lit up in neon lights just for me: "I'm not requiring you to understand. I am simply urging you to obey. For it is only when you obey that, eventually, you begin to understand." {Read it again.}
It's profound, I know.
And it was exactly what I desperately needed to learn.
I guess sometimes in life we aren't supposed to see, or know, or understand the path we are on.
We just simply must continue.
And as we continue, the understanding begins to unfold.
The tricky part is focusing on the goodness, while blocking the negative voices, negative people and negativity in general!
So, patiently we wait to eventually understand...because eventually, we will understand everything.
Until then, have a fabulous weekend!
Happy Mothers Day!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
My mom circa 1966-ish--a BYU student, mother and wife.
I was sent to my Mom for a reason, and this view of her is very familiar. She was always working hard and doing her best...always.
I saw her writing countless thank you notes, working hard to serve in all her callings in the church, cooking, cleaning, organizing, making our home inviting and beautiful, writing, studying and praying.
So many of the good things I've learned over the years were from her.
Thanks Mom!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Once upon a time, I ran a few marathons, three to be exact. The training for my first one was, lets be honest--excruciating--and mostly my own doing because I spent every day telling myself: "I can't run that far...I can't do this...I can't do this...What am I doing? I can't do this...I'm never going to finish 26.2 miles!" -- over and over and over again. My long-run days would consist of me running in the morning and then not moving again for the rest of the day. Running and training for my first marathon was as much a mental exercise (if not more so) as it was physical. Luckily I had a great training partner and friend! She kept me focused and on track, and slowly -- so slowly, I began to see and believe that I would actually be able to finish 26.2 consecutive miles in one day...which I did.
When I think back to that time in my life {about 7 years ago} I am still amazed at myself. I saw incredible strength and growth develop, and I learned many things about myself. The confidence I gained was not just actually spilled out into many parts of my life, and thank goodness! {I certainly needed it!} I realized that I could do hard things and surprisingly there is a lot of power in that -- power to fight against the evil voices in our head that try to derail and discourage us, and power to accomplish and overcome really, really difficult things. I've thought a lot about the analogy of a marathon as it relates to our lives. It has many applications and I have come to believe that our life is not just one big long marathon, instead, I believe our lives are actually a continuous cycle of marathons...
Haven't we all run marathons in our lives? Aren't we each running our own private marathons right now? Some of our runs are 5K---some are 10K---some are half marathons---some are full marathons---and some are ultra marathons or 100milers, as they're called. The Lord will give us time to train and prepare for our races in between, but are we doing the work and committed to the little bit everyday? Or are we running our races untrained? --The results of which can be excruciating!
Thank goodness the Lord is with us on all of our runs -- the easy ones, the challenging ones, and yes, even the painful runs that never seem to end. Yet, we have to accept His company as He runs beside us. Paul declared to the Hebrews "Seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Heb 12:1)
So, as He runs beside us, do we let Him in? Do we allow His gentle encouragements to strengthen us? Do we lean on Him for guidance and instruction? Do we pour out our fears, hurt and pain?
I ran my second marathon by myself about six weeks following my first marathon. I thought, "I've got this." I felt prepared physically and even mentally to a certain extent, but strategically I was a mess. I started too fast, I didn't anticipate all the downhill that set my quadriceps on fire. I struggled and fought for those last miles and it was a battle...only to find out that just as I crossed the finish line I would see a dear friend who had run the race only seconds faster. I wondered how many times we ran side by side without ever realizing it. How I could have benefited from having a familiar face to encourage me and take my mind off all my pain and misery that day.
Unfortunately, many lessons we learn the hard way and regardless of how tired, discouraged and frustrated we are, we still have races we must run. Prepared or not. Trained or not. Rested or not. Healthy or not. Friends or not. And luckily, He never gives up on us, instead He wants to help and lift and strengthen us, but will we let Him? --- Or, do we know better? Or, in my own words, do we say, "I've got this."? When really, we just don't...not even close.
So as the races continue to come in our lives, we can either focus our attention on the finish line myth -- that "everything will be better--when its all over", or we can join the Lord, accept his company in our training, in the races we run and in all the aid stations along the way.
We must first look for Him. Then we must listen and let Him teach us. Next, we must continue a dialog of faith and trust that will continue to buoy us up and guide us through all aspects of our races...easy or hard. And when we look back at all our medals of the races we've won and lessons learned, we'll know that it was only possible because of Him.
Because really, It's all because of Him.
When I think back to that time in my life {about 7 years ago} I am still amazed at myself. I saw incredible strength and growth develop, and I learned many things about myself. The confidence I gained was not just actually spilled out into many parts of my life, and thank goodness! {I certainly needed it!} I realized that I could do hard things and surprisingly there is a lot of power in that -- power to fight against the evil voices in our head that try to derail and discourage us, and power to accomplish and overcome really, really difficult things. I've thought a lot about the analogy of a marathon as it relates to our lives. It has many applications and I have come to believe that our life is not just one big long marathon, instead, I believe our lives are actually a continuous cycle of marathons...
Haven't we all run marathons in our lives? Aren't we each running our own private marathons right now? Some of our runs are 5K---some are 10K---some are half marathons---some are full marathons---and some are ultra marathons or 100milers, as they're called. The Lord will give us time to train and prepare for our races in between, but are we doing the work and committed to the little bit everyday? Or are we running our races untrained? --The results of which can be excruciating!
Thank goodness the Lord is with us on all of our runs -- the easy ones, the challenging ones, and yes, even the painful runs that never seem to end. Yet, we have to accept His company as He runs beside us. Paul declared to the Hebrews "Seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Heb 12:1)
So, as He runs beside us, do we let Him in? Do we allow His gentle encouragements to strengthen us? Do we lean on Him for guidance and instruction? Do we pour out our fears, hurt and pain?
I ran my second marathon by myself about six weeks following my first marathon. I thought, "I've got this." I felt prepared physically and even mentally to a certain extent, but strategically I was a mess. I started too fast, I didn't anticipate all the downhill that set my quadriceps on fire. I struggled and fought for those last miles and it was a battle...only to find out that just as I crossed the finish line I would see a dear friend who had run the race only seconds faster. I wondered how many times we ran side by side without ever realizing it. How I could have benefited from having a familiar face to encourage me and take my mind off all my pain and misery that day.
Unfortunately, many lessons we learn the hard way and regardless of how tired, discouraged and frustrated we are, we still have races we must run. Prepared or not. Trained or not. Rested or not. Healthy or not. Friends or not. And luckily, He never gives up on us, instead He wants to help and lift and strengthen us, but will we let Him? --- Or, do we know better? Or, in my own words, do we say, "I've got this."? When really, we just don't...not even close.
So as the races continue to come in our lives, we can either focus our attention on the finish line myth -- that "everything will be better--when its all over", or we can join the Lord, accept his company in our training, in the races we run and in all the aid stations along the way.
We must first look for Him. Then we must listen and let Him teach us. Next, we must continue a dialog of faith and trust that will continue to buoy us up and guide us through all aspects of our races...easy or hard. And when we look back at all our medals of the races we've won and lessons learned, we'll know that it was only possible because of Him.
Because really, It's all because of Him.
Belated Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Monday, April 28, 2014
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Or, what are you most proud of in your life up til now? -- Kids, family, husband, career, yourself, a personal goal?
The goals we set for ourselves and achieve are wildly rewarding because I believe we crave progress--its a part of our "spiritual DNA", and when aren't progressing in some aspect of our lives we can so easily become depressed and unhappy.
So, if your currently working on your goals -- Keep Going!!
And if you haven't started -- Get Going!!
Sometimes its easy to only see our value in our accomplishments when really it's all about our progression and growth...that part never ends!
Filling Gaps
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Now that Easter is over, how often did you find yourself trying on dresses that had "gaps"? Like maybe a neckline that was too low, or sleeves that were too short or too sheer? And what about dresses or skirts that needed an extra slip layer...
So often, the dresses we fall in love with in the dressing room inevitably have a few issues that lead us to two thoughts:
1. Forget it. Im not buying this dress because I don't know how to make it work.
2. I love it! Im going to buy this dress and I will figure out a way to wear it when I get it home.
Both conclusions are a result of not having your "go to" foundation pieces. A VERSIE slip is a must-have for every woman's wardrobe. It's a basic and easy solution that fills the gaps, combines the essential layers into one smoothing and comfy foundation piece. And most important, it easy!
So forever change the way you dress right away and your Sunday-morning self will thank you!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Ever notice patterns or maybe reoccurring themes in your life? Take a moment and think about it...because I promise you, they are there.
So, have you ever wondered what your Heavenly Father is trying to teach you?
Or, have you ever considered connecting the dots?
What if all the dots spelled out our very special purpose -- our divine potential and our contribution to the world? All the dots are there, we just have to ask for guidance and play dot-to-dot...
I'm working on mine! Join me and begin working on yours!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Is FEAR your friend?
When we make friends with our fears and allow them to linger--we weaken.
Not always in visible ways at first, but over time we begin to believe everything they are telling us. We start to lose sight of our divine potential.
And did you know that fear is perfectly content to monopolize our lives and run any and every good thing off? Yikes!
So, is fear running your life?
Or, are you running like crazy from fear?
Right now, I'm doing everything I can to conquer my fears and make enemies with my fears, even the dumb ones...join me!
We can do it!
Just remember: Fear is NOT our friend...Faith IS our friend.
Bye-Bye Bunchy-Bunch
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sometimes you just want to throw on a little dress with leggings and run to the big deal, just an easy and quick outfit to run errands.
How many times have you seen, or experienced this "before" happening?
--A lumpy shirt under a dress that bunches and rolls up?
--A dress that bunches and sticks to your leggings with fabrics that aren't "compatible"?
--Or, trying to wear a slip that twists all around and gets lost somewhere on your torso?
No longer VERSIE babes.
We've got the answer to your struggles...
Say goodbye to the lumps, bumps and bunchy-bunch! Forever!
A VERSIE slip will forever change the way you dress. Throw on a VERSIE -- the top is meant to show your fabulousness, and the bottom is meant to make your life so much easier. We promise.
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Today I went to the park with Henry. We played, fed the ducks and laughed. Henry took a few tumbles and ate his share of mulch, which didn't seem to phase him much. I'm pretty sure he was just happy to have some fresh air in his lungs and feel the sunshine on his back.
I was amazed at all the beauty that surrounds me everyday...I started to think about how easy it is to focus on all that could be better if I could change just a little bit of this or that. It begins to feel like the lens of a camera beginning to blur out a clear and beautiful picture--things become distorted, out of proportion and out of balance.
So, what's your camera lens focused on?--All the the beauty and goodness in yourself and others? Or all the things that you wish you could change without ever seeing the potential in yourself, others and your life?
Its time to dial it in...I know I needed a little bit of refocusing today...have a great weekend!
A Prego Belly
Monday, March 17, 2014
So often our prego belly's and bust line take on a life of their I right? Between managing a bra 4 times your normal size and figuring out how to cover-up your massive belly button---all while trying to stay below a 100 degree body temp it a real chore. It gets exhausting and frustrating to find something to wear in the spring and summer months. Sheer and light colored tops are not helpful either!
These side by side photos illustrate the "before"{left}, and "after" {right} effect of a VERSIE. {nothing retouched} You can see how a light colored shirt left to its own devices shows well, everything. While, adding a VERSIE as a perfect foundation piece, you simply have a smoothing layer that covers lumps and bumps and adds a perfect slip to any maxi skirt or dress.
So, if your wondering if having a VERSIE slip will change prego mamma life for the better? Well, lets just say, its a must-have!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Do you ever feel like people just don't get you?
Or, sometimes like you don't even get yourself?
So often we get lost in the opinions of others, like somehow they matter more than our own. We lose sight of our own uniqueness and extraordinary value. We begin to look at ourselves from the outside--in, instead of the inside--out...and we begin to make choices to please others instead of being true to our own wants.
The power we give away to others always leaves us empty. We will never get in return what we think we want or deserve from someone else. The only way to gain and sustain real confidence and inner strength is through connecting and claiming our own strength, divinity and purpose.
Start there and when you are feeling a little stronger begin to share your divine strength--it's incredibly powerful -- more than any of us realize!
So commit to go, say, do and be--today and everyday.
VERSIE Giveaway!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Gorgeous Courtney is one half of The Beauty Mark girls blog, and she's an incredibly talented makeup artist and blogger. We decided to team up to to a VERSIE giveaway this week...{follow the link to her blog to enter!}
"One of my favorite dresses is this green and black midi length dress from Urban Outfitters. The problem is that the top is a sheer tank and the skirt is made of silk so I feel like I either have to wear twenty layers under it or be a static mess with the dress clinging in all the wrong places. The black VERSIE cap sleeve slip is literally perfect for this dress. It gives the sheer top a bit of modesty without looking weird, and provides the skirt with a cling-free fit.
Good Luck!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, March 7, 2014
It's all about the little things in life.
Small decisions, tiny tweeks in our daily schedule and taking a few moments everyday will make all the difference. If we focus on today, that is all we see. But if we recognize that our trajectory is based on all the little things that plot our course--little things become HUGE things!
Have a great weekend and make some really good little will be so happy with yourself that you did.
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Whose opinions mean the most to you in your life?
We all crave acceptance and reassurance--no matter who we are--and sometimes it may feel like a black hole that is really hard to fill.
Recognize that when we look for acceptance and approval from external sources--it will NEVER fill us up!
So, decide today to rely on God for His approval, love, acceptance and guidance. He is waiting to fill you up to overflowing!
I promise...
Belated Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
How is the foundation of your heavenly home looking?
Have you begun the work on your footings and foundation {the most important part} yet?
Our life's purpose is to begin the construction of our heavenly home...and to love every step of the way--even when its hard.
You already know the architect, or at least, He knows you very well. Let Him show you all that your mansion can become...
Just start asking questions, and then listen for the answers.
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Because it's Valentine's Day, I thought it would be fun to share:
14 Steps to Lay Your Foundation. And Love It...
1. Make a decision to discover your purpose and live an insanely fulfilled life--once and for all...for YOU, and no one else.
2. Write down everything you want to become and all that is MOST important to you --EVERYTHING! {even the stuff you've never said out loud}
3. Be honest with yourself--brutally honest.
4. Get serious about change--I mean seriously, serious.
5. Ask and plead for help--Pray for divine direction...this is the only advice you can trust, because He knows you best and knows all that you can become.
6. Channel your Inner Warrior and get laser focused.
7. Dig deep, I mean deeper than you ever thought you could dig.
8. Pray for divine direction again and again.
9. Commit to a life of faith...ready, set, start!
10. You won't really know exactly what direction your headed most of the time--its OK, you're not supposed to.
11. Focus on being in-tune--So critical to staying on the right track--stay humble, repent daily and forgive others often.
12. Follow the breadcrumbs--they are for YOU! So, pick them up and savor them.
13. Give thanks to anyone and everyone in your life--they are in your life to bless you or teach you! So, learn quickly!
14. Be patient & Be happy about the whole process--you will never look back to what your left behind because you wont need to...
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, February 7, 2014
How much courage do you have?
So, I think of it like this: God has for each of us, our very own spiritual shelf of gifts, blessings and talents. Its marked with our name, and set aside for us--and only us.
And when we ask Him in humility and genuine love and desire to clear our spiritual shelf, we can have ALL that is ours...{Note: think Black Friday--empty shelves and overflowing baskets}
But then what? Well, we just might find ourselves insanely happy, wildly fulfilled and challenged beyond belief.
But, what if we never do?
And what if we're to scared to do the work?
Well, our spiritual shelf remains stocked and full of unopened divine potential...and we miss out on all that we agreed to accomplish...
Seriously, lets not wait another day!
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, January 31, 2014
The wild journey of Creativity has hills and valleys, twists and turns and is bumpy at times--it really is an *exciting* adventure as we discover our purpose and begin to recognize His hand in our beautiful journey.
So, what are you creating?
Hint: Its everything you are and everything you do!
Embrace your unique life, seek for opportunities to learn from Him and do everything you can to stay on that path...
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Our love for God keeps us focused on what He needs us to do--and sometimes we need to leave things behind, not because they are bad or wrong, but because there is something better for us ahead that only He knows. When we follow even small desires to change or improve we are immediately blessed in big an small ways.
What could you risk to leave behind that just might yield a big return in blessings?
Don't wait. Just will be glad you did.
Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love It. #LYF
Friday, January 17, 2014
Today I begin what I call:
"Lay Your Foundation Friday. And Love it."
As you know, VERSIE by Annie M has a tagline--Lay Your Foundation. And Love It.--I feel exceptionally passionate about this message. Not only as VERSIE relates to a perfect foundation piece in your wardrobe, but also as an important message to inspire all women to live by...
Real purpose, drive and passion in life doesn't come from idleness, easy solutions or a "perfect life"--- it comes from defining challenges, difficult choices and deep soul searching to discover your personal purpose and contribution to the world. Basically, we innately crave progress and when we aren't growing and developing we become depressed and unhappy.
So, think for a moment, are you moving forward in your life or are you at a stand still?
A Christmas Gift I didnt know I needed
Monday, January 13, 2014
One of my favorite gifts this year was from my sweet husband who, "thought I might like to read this...". I love it when I get gifts that I never realized I needed...until I open them up to see whats inside!
I actually love to learn. I love to read, and not so much fiction, but I love to learn new things when I read. So, when I began "Increase in Learning" by David A. Bednar, I was immediately touched by his message. I recognized immediately that the messages contained in his book were answers to questions I had been praying for, not only a few weeks earlier...
I wanted to share a quick thought from his book that I loved:
"There are things to act and things to be acted upon...endowed with agency we are AGENTS, and we primarily are to act and not simply to be acted upon--especially to obtain and apply spiritual knowledge."
We have, not only the ability, but the responsibility to be agents for ourselves. We must be proactive in obtaining and applying our spiritual knowledge regularly. Which means, we have to consciously be seeking out regular opportunities to learn spiritual things, and then decided how we can use them in our lives. Otherwise we will be acted upon, which means life will happen to us--instead of the other way around!
So, I hope your will find yourself this year taking the initiative to grow and develop yourself in every aspect of your life. One of my 2014 goals is to ACT, instead of being acted upon....Join Me!
What is VERSIE by Annie M?
Friday, January 10, 2014
What is VERSIE by Annie M?
Well, VERSIE is a slip that will forever change how you dress....I promise. Quite simply, it is a shirt attached to a slip. The top is the fashion part which is meant to be shown off. The bottom half is the function part that serves as a slip. The best part is that it removes those unwanted "bum lines", extra bulk and smooths your whole body out. Yea! VERSIE is a patent pending design and it is, well, Amazing...
So, where did the idea for VERSIE come from?
Well, after having my 4th baby, I was on the edge of a wardrobe freak out. Do you ever have those? When you get dressed in the morning and spend the whole day, adjusting your shirt or straightening out your slip over and over again. So, basically, I was frustrated and fed up. I decided I needed a basic layering shirt that attached to a slip. I wanted to be able to put the whole thing on and stop the madness--the adjusting, worrying and frustration.......VERSIE by Annie M was born.
Where did the name VERSIE come from?
VERSIE is simply a derivative of the word "versatile". I wanted a slip that could work with lots of different dresses and skirts and be something I could put on, be comfortable and forget about. The goal was to connect fashion with function.....Finally, a slip that makes sense.
What's been the early response?
Awesome. But don't take my word for's just a little super exciting feedback I've been getting from women:
"Holy Cow! I love the way this feels! It is soo smoothing and comfy!"
"Wow! I could wear this with soo many dresses and skirts of mine!"
"Why hasn't someone come up with this before?? I looove VERSIE!"
"Seriously, this feels soo good on, can I buy your prototype? I want one now!" and much more......
What does "Lay Your Foundation. And Love It." mean?
My tag line for VERSIE is--Lay your Foundation. And Love it. I really believe in this message, it actually has a double meaning on purpose:
#1 VERSIE is a foundation piece that you will love. You will love the fabrics, the fit and when you put it on--you will forget that you even have it on. VERSIE is so comfy and easy to wear, it will make getting dressed a cinch--I promise. I believe that when you aren't worried about whats going on underneath your clothes, you can be that much more confident--and who doesn't need that in their life!?..a-hem....I do.
#2 Lay a positive foundation for your life. I love the saying, "when you know better, you do better", and to me this is how I *try* to live my life. I feel a deep desire to encourage myself and other women in their individual growth and personal development. More than just looking good on the outside, but feeling good about who you are on the inside. We all have a different purpose to fulfill in our lives and it's between us and God to figure it out. It is a journey of so many mixed emotions including: joy, wonder, frustration, humility and peace. Basically, if we are progressing and growing, we seem to be happier--at least, I know I am.
My goal is to create a company that helps women with their wardrobe dilemmas, but more than that I want to connect and inspire on a deeper level that will create positive change in their lives and that's why I ship "VERSIE Verses" with each order. I want women to feel inspired in every way I possibly can!
What's it like to work on a project like this?
I am really thrilled to be launching VERSIE. I truly feel like it has come by way of divine inspiration and sheer determination in so many ways. I hope to share more of my experiences very soon. But for now, you must know that creating and developing VERSIE has been quite a journey that continues to unfold. I hope you will join me in this process. I want to hear from you, your thoughts, questions and comments...lets work together to make positive changes in our lives and our wardrobes.
Simple improvements to typical problems is like adding honey to simple, and boy is it tasty.
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