Filling Gaps

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Now that Easter is over, how often did you find yourself trying on dresses that had "gaps"?  Like maybe a neckline that was too low, or sleeves that were too short or too sheer?  And what about dresses or skirts that needed an extra slip layer...

So often, the dresses we fall in love with in the dressing room inevitably have a few issues that lead us to two thoughts:
1. Forget it.  Im not buying this dress because I don't know how to make it work.
2. I love it!  Im going to buy this dress and I will figure out a way to wear it when I get it home.

Both conclusions are a result of not having your "go to" foundation pieces.  A VERSIE slip is a must-have for every woman's wardrobe.  It's a basic and easy solution that fills the gaps, combines the essential layers into one smoothing and comfy foundation piece.  And most important, it easy!

So forever change the way you dress right away and your Sunday-morning self will thank you!


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