
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What a good thought! I am always thinking of nice things to say to compliment people, but then get shy and don't say it. I am inspired by this quote to start expressing the compliments I have. I strive to make people feel good about themselves!

Oh my goodness, Thank you...that means so much to me.

Don't you love it when you get a compliment?  And I'm not talking about the trite, "Hi, you look good..." all in one breath-type compliment {because really, I don't really think those count}.

I'm actually talking about the compliments you get that are thoughtful, generous and kind.  Those compliments where that person seems to see through all your "stuff" directly into your soul.  They give you something....its like a gift.  They see a part of you that you've either forgotten or needed to remember.  It's special and meaningful, and its real.  It then becomes a part of you.  Something that you take with you your whole life.  You reflect on those words when you need to remind yourself of your greatness.

I love those compliments.

Are you waiting for more of those?  Or, are you generously giving them out?
{I need to do more of the latter}


image via pinterst

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